Warning: Use of undefined constant YOUR_PLUGIN_DIR - assumed 'YOUR_PLUGIN_DIR' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/luxurylo/theoccasionalhipster.com/wp-content/plugins/cleverness-to-do-list/includes/cleverness-to-do-list-loader.class.php on line 36 Joey_Petelle, Author at The Occasional Hipster
This should clear up everything for you... Animation created by Steve Cutts in Flash and After Effects looking at mans relationship with the natural world.
Willamette Week: Summer Cannibals, one of the 10 best new bands of 2014 If recent Best New Band polls are an indicator of Portland’s interest in what one may refer to as “rock music,” the relationship status has been gradually digressing from “it’s complicated” to “divorced.” The clouds of grunge have parted, making way…
Who doesn't know Times Square? The lights, signs and moving images are iconic worldwide. So much noise and confusion. It is easy to forget that practically every inch of space in Times Square is marketing. Each sign being bigger or brighter in an effort to establish one brand in front of another. How much time…
Just a test post to show how to include multiple tracks on a singe post. Why not use a local band gone world wild. Pink Martini, like them or not, are a worldwide sensation.
Curabitur ullamcorper, felis bibendum rutrum consectetur, justo felis elementum metus, sed feugiat nisl ligula non magna. Pellentesque vel accumsan odio. Pellentesque eu risus velit. Aenean velit mi, molestie et laoreet sit amet, viverra et nulla. Ut vestibulum rutrum mi quis pellentesque. Donec rutrum nibh porttitor nisl vehicula blandit. Cras pretium dui eu suscipit malesuada.
Inspired by the Portland Hipster Scene | Hipster is alternative, parodies and sometimes satirical views on the News, Entertainment, Fashion, Sports, Music and Lifestyle that sparks worldwide attention.